
People’s Tango weekend registration is open now. We have several options for your participation. Please choose from the list below. Due to the capacity of the venue we limit the registration to 100 participants for the Milongas and 40 students during the workshops. Registration at the door will be available based on space. Your early registration is appreciated, and it helps us plan for the events ahead.

Milonga Pass – Three Nights

A. “Back to Basics” with Carolina del Rivero.
Three all level workshops for students who want to polish, refresh or improve the Fundamentals of Argentine Tango.
Perfect workshops for those who want to get started in Argentine Tango as well. Classes include exercises to improve balance, connection, frame and the basic tango movements of the social dance floor.
7pm-8:20pm No partner required.
Cost: $80.-
At the door $30 each class.

B. Tango Workshops with Patricio Touceda & Eva Lucero. 6hrs of intensive workshops for intermediates and advanced level dancers. If possible, sign up with a partner. Solo students welcome. Based on space.

Saturday: “Giros, giros and more giros”.
Turns are the foundation of intermediate level and a gateway to more advance techniques and dynamics. We will work on the proper turns technique, and include elements like ganchos, lapices and more.
1:30pm-3pm and 3:30pm-5pm.

Sunday: “The Road to the Back Sacadas”.
Everybody favorite steps and the most difficult sacadas there are.
A variety of movement that will help you incorporate the techniques needed for back sacadas. The last section of the workshop will be held by all instructor in this “Master’s workshop” with Patricio & Eva and Mario & Carolina.
Examples of different back sacadas in line and in the turns.
Sunday 1:30pm-3pm & 3:30pm-5pm.
Cost: $120
One day workshop $75
Based on space.
You are encouraged to sign up with a partner. Solo students welcome.
Based on space.

C. Full Milonga Pass. 3 Nights of Dancing with a great array of some of our favorite Guests DJs.
Milonga pass 3 Nights: $100.-

Friday – Welcome Milonga. 8:30 – 1am

Don’t miss the master’s pista Exhibition by Carolina & Mario.

($30 at the door)

Saturday – “All Night Milonga” 8:30pm – 4am

Guests DJ Andrew Brown & DJ Tom LEE
Includes The master’s tango show by Patricio and Eva.
Refreshments, sweets, Coffee and cookies provided late night.
($60 at the door)

Sunday Good bye Milonga! 8:30pm- 12:30am
Vinyl night $30 at the door.

D. FULL WEEKEND PASS It includes access to all Milongas and all workshops.
